Sam Clark


Hi there, I’m Sam. I’m an applications analyst for the Collider-Accelerator Department at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island, New York. I work to develop intuitive human interfaces for three large-scale particle accelerators, and provide support for physicians, technicians, & users of these machines. I’m currently living in Chicagoland with my partner of four years, John, and our rapidly growing assortment of houseplants.

I graduated from Stony Brook University with my Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science in 2019. While there, I put a focus on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, taking courses covering the theory and application of the fields. Starting in the fall of 2021, I began working towards a Master’s of Science in Computer Science at Georgia Institute of Technology with a specialization in Machine Learning. I hope that in continuing my education, I’ll situate myself to remain on the cutting edge of AI & ML, and incorporate my knowledge into the controls systems at C-AD.

Outside of my career, I have an immense love of cooking. Food has always been a big part of my life, but not always something that was considered “cuisine.” Working 9-to-5 has shown me the importance of finding recipes which are equally time-efficient and delicious. The dishes I love span numerous cultures and palates, but are universally fulfilling. Plus, having such a broad array of inspiration creates delicious new creations out of my kitchen!

© 2023, Sam Clark